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James: +64 27 480 9792 Steve: +64 21 0395472
Feed Success - Nutrition Services

At HPAC, we help New Zealanders to become high performers by getting stronger, faster and more agile. Where the body goes, the mind follows.

We have developed movement, nutrition and mental wellness protocols that create a healthier culture and environment within a team or organisation, leading to higher levels of human performance and happiness.  We also work with individuals, including athletes and sports people, to help them achieve their life’s goals.

When people train one-on-one with an HPAC performance management specialist, they receive personalised attention that leads to a customised plan for physical and mental optimisation.  Our training programmes propel people to higher levels of health and performance by improving body composition, energy, strength and flexibility. Supported by healthier bodies, minds become more motivated, accountable and results-focused.

HPAC works with small-to-medium companies that want to get ahead; corporates that need to improve HR strategy and internal culture; schools that want a holistic approach to performance; sports men and women with big audacious goals; and individuals who fervently crave success.

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” Max De Pree




We work with individuals who have big goals, as well as those who simply want to have the best life possible. Anybody can partner with HPAC to become the best they can be.


Our programs improve sport-specific strength, explosive power, speed, agility and endurance, while decreasing injury risk. They also strengthen your will to succeed.


Whether your organisation is a school, business or major corporation, HPAC can provide advice and ideas about how to create an environment that supports optimal human performance.


When people are adequately fuelled with food that keeps them strong, focused and energetic, they achieve more and get sick less often.


The road to recovery begins with an extensive evaluation by a certified sports physiotherapist. This assessment leads into a programme of one-on-one therapy sessions.

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