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James: +64 27 480 9792 Steve: +64 21 0395472

Whether your organisation is a school, a business or a major corporation, HPAC can provide advice and ideas about how to create an environment that supports optimal human performance.

Investing in wellness delivers short and long term benefits. It can reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and contribute to a positive internal culture attitudes and behaviours. It can also help you to recruit the best new people, because your organisation is seen to be more concerned and caring.

If you’re a business or corporation, we can help you to establish and maintain a company culture and environment where movement, good nutrition, stress release and other forms of self-care are embedded in the daily environment. Data and analytics can provide baselines that let you measure improvements, to justify the spend on wellness programmes.

For schools, our health and wellness consultancy can help to define and implement a culture of wellbeing for both students and teaching staff, where daily movement and good nutrition become the ‘new normal’.  Our consulting for schools can extend to advice about student athlete performance development and athlete transition to USA universities.

Sports teams can seek our help to create athlete recruitment models that help them to select players. We can also assist with developing protocols for nutrition, training and coaching.

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