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James: +64 27 480 9792 Steve: +64 21 0395472

We work with individuals who have big goals, as well as those who simply want to lead the best life possible. Anybody can partner with HPAC to become the best they can be.

Our human performance services go beyond traditional health and fitness, athletic training services or executive coaching. We begin by understanding who you are and what you aspire to. Then we design a personalised programme to address every wellbeing factor – movement, nourishment, psychology and recovery.

For nourishment, we may look at hydration, nutrient status and food quality. For movement, we often assess movement efficiency, total-body power, strength, explosiveness, agility, speed and fitness. For psychology, we may look at grit, the ability to be coached, positivity and emotional balance. Recovery may look at energy, inflammation management and sleep quality.

Whether you come to us for sports performance training or simply want to raise your  personal performance benchmark, we’ll begin by examining and testing a variety of performance qualities within each discipline to establish a baseline that allows us to identify and measure improvements.

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