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James: +64 27 480 9792 Steve: +64 21 0395472

Injury recovery takes time, patience and expertise, but it’s absolutely worth it. Our approach to sports rehabilitation also addresses the factors that caused the injury in the first place.

Your road to recovery begins with an extensive evaluation by a certified sports physiotherapy specialist. This assessment leads into a programme of one-on-one therapy sessions that treat the injury and the movement patterns or technique problems that caused it. When even more specialised assistance is required, such as medical imaging or surgery, we draw on a network of contacts to ensure your body is always in the best hands.

Our sports rehab services include:

  • Medical imaging to diagnose the problem
  • Manual therapy, massage, manipulation and acupuncture
  • Recommendations for surgery, if required
  • Identifying muscle imbalances
  • Prescriptive strength training
  • Preventative strategies

Our physiotherapists can collaborate with a broader performance team, including trainers and coaches, to make sure rehabilitation programmes are fully integrated.

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