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James: +64 27 480 9792 Steve: +64 21 0395472
Feed Success - Nutrition Services
Feed Success - Nutrition Services

To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently to fuel a successful day is an art. Encouraging your people to adopt better eating behaviours can increase productivity, self-confidence and organisational morale.

When people are adequately fuelled with food that keeps them strong, focused and energetic, they achieve more and get sick less often. Our nutrition team works with athletes, individuals, teams and entire organisations to embed a culture of wellbeing through smart food choices.

Our nutrition services can include:

  • Nutrition programmes for health and productivity
  • Nutrition programmes for sporting performance
  • Intentional food experiences
  • Nutrition education
  • Cooking and food preparation lessons
  • Counselling to overcome bad habits

Our work with nutrition can even include integrating with food service providers to operationalise nutrition for your team, business or organisation. We can serve as nutrition consultants or we can put registered dietitians on the ground to provide day-to-day guidance within your organisation.

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